Welcome to the EHTPA
The EHTPA was founded in 1993 when it became clear that with the development of the European Union, the legislative framework under which herbal medicine was practised in the UK and Europe was likely to undergo radical change. The main professional herbal practitioner associations in the UK affiliated with the Irish herbal associations to form the European Herbal & Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association (EHTPA).
The EHTPA is an umbrella body which represents professional associations of herbal/traditional medicine practitioners offering variously Western herbal medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, Ayurveda and traditional Tibetan medicine. The EHTPA is dedicated to the development of herbal/traditional medicine, preserving and enhancing the legal basis of practice across the UK and EU Members States and promoting best practice throughout the traditions.
For more information about the current functions of the EHTPA Council please click here.
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Herbal & Traditional Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Traditional Tibetan Medicine
Postal Address
6 Barnfield
CM16 6RL